Kursevi - Coding Giants - Online škola programiranja za djecu i mlade

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Znate li kako programeri rade? Na časovima ćemo naučiti pravila korišćenja C# jezika uz pomoć Visual Studio okruženja i osećaćemo se kao jedan od njih. Petlja, metoda, uvjetni iskazi zvuče kao drevne čarolije? Kao programeri, znat ćemo njihovo značenje i koristit ćemo ih za kreiranje fantastičnih programa.

  • 14 susreta (jednom sedmično)

  • 2 x 45 min (svaki susret)

  • Maksimalni broj studenata (12)

pet rata po 114,00 BAM

Imate li pitanja?


Kurs, koji traje 2 semestra, uvod je u pravo programiranje. Na primjeru modernog jezika C# koji je razvio Microsoft učimo o njegovim osnovnim elementima. Nadalje, učenici se uče izraditi web-stranice i osnovama sigurnog korištenja Interneta i hakiranja. Naši online kursevi nisu internetski seminari niti kratki kursevi na Youtubeu! Tokom naših predavanja putem Interneta, svaki učenik će moći vidjeti zaslon nastavnika, čuti o čemu nastavnik govori, a nastavnik će imati uvid u ono što učenik radi i o čemu govori (vidjet će zaslon svakog učenika). Svaki učenik će moći usmeno postaviti pitanje, a nastavnik će odgovoriti na svako pitanje i tačno ukazati na konkretnu pogrešku i način na koji se ona može ispraviti.

Plan kursa

The aim of the lesson is to create the first program in C# and familiarize with the Visual Studio environment.
The aim of the lesson is to present the concept of variables and to show the most common types of variables.
The aim of the lesson is to present the concept of constants and to show the most frequently used mathematical operations.
The aim of the lesson is to introduce to WinForms and to introduce the concept of projection.
The aim of the lesson is to present mathematical and logical operators. The second goal is to present incrementation and decrementation in C#.
The aim of this lesson is to present the conditional IF instruction.
This lesson is a continuation of the previous one.
The aim of the lesson is to present the conditional instruction Switch.
The aim of the lesson is to become familiar with the concept of a loop.
The aim of the lesson is to further explore the topic of the loop.
The aim of the lesson is to discuss the application and use of charts.
The aim of the lesson is to present methods.
The aim of the lesson is to further explore the topic of methods.
The aim of the lesson is to summarize the knowledge gained during the semester.